6733171 หลอด Tube วัดสารเคมีประเภท Aniline 0.5/a ยี่ห้อ Draeger
Model : 75-1117
Model (old) : 62-1100-A17
Application Range
Standard Measuring Range: 0.5 to 10 ppm
Number of Strokes (n): 20
Time for Measurement: approx. 4 min
Standard Deviation: ±15 to 20%
Color Change: pale yellow -› pale green
Ambient Operating Conditions
Temperature: 15 to 30 °C
Absolute Humidity: 7 to 12 mg H2O / L
Reaction Principle
C6H5NH2 + CrVI ä CrIII + various oxidation products
Cross Sensitivity
When methyl aniline and aniline are present at the same time, it is
impossible to measure only the aniline concentration. Ethers,
ketones, esters, aromatics and benzines are indicated as well but
with different sensitivities.